Sometimes, children develop a fear of the dentist. Whether it is from a bad experience, an association, or simply the unknown, you can help calm their fears – and help them establish a healthy relationship with their oral health care – by trying some of the following tactics.
1. Tour our office
We love giving tours to future patients! Just give us a call and we’ll set a time for you and your child to come into our office, meet the dentist and staff, and show them what to expect for their next appointment.
2. Play dentist at home
Pretend play can alleviate many fears about an unknown situation. By acting out the general roles everyone plays at a dentist office, your child can feel more relaxed when they visit in person.
3. Bring a distraction
When you take your child to the dentist, let them bring their favorite stuffie or blanket. By having a familiar personal item with them, they can feel comforted and distracted in the new situation. PS. We specialize in caring for children, so we will help, too!
4. Let them dress up
Whether it is a superman outfit or princess dress, allowing your child to wear their favorite dress up costume can help bolster their confidence and add some fun to their dentist appointment.
5. Create a dental report card
Start a dentist report card for your child. For every successful visit they have (calming playing or sitting in the wait room, listening well during the check-up, etc.), add their favorite stickers to the report card to celebrate!
6. Keep it positive
Before the appointment, make sure to keep your language positive when talking about the dentist. Don’t bribe them with treats or promise they won’t experience any discomfort, which may only cause more anxiety during the exam. Instead, try playing fun music on the way to the appointment and keep your own stress in check, which models the importance and positivity of regular dental care.
Give us a call if you need further information or tips to get your child ready for the dentist so they can enjoy their visits with us. And you can, too!
Sources: Willowcreek Way, Healthline